Saturday, April 26, 2008

Regal wants to be the world champion.

The Sun has an interview with William Regal. He says he wants to be champion. "Of course I want to be involved more in a wrestling capacity, that's why I'm in the shape I'm in. Next I want to be world champion, I really do." He also wants to be a lot more active in the ring. "I’m always jumping all over Vince McMahon to let me wrestle more. He can't stand the sight of me! But you’ve got to.

I’m 40 in a few weeks and I feel like I'm better in the ring, and more on my game, than I've ever been. I don't want to be remembered for pulling funny faces, I want people to get a chance to see me wrestle the top fellas and have some big time matches." He also talks about Chris Benoit. "It was a really weird time for me, because the only time that I got to show off the kind of wrestling I was capable of was against him. And all of sudden it was like ‘that’s it’. It is selfish, after all the horrible stuff that happened, but that was a big part of my career gone. I couldn’t go out and do those matches anymore. Then again I put my name on YouTube the other day and there must be 10 of my matches against Benoit on there. So people are obviously watching them again. They’ve forgotten all about those horrific things and have gone back to watching the actual wrestling." Regal also talks about wrestling stars on the rise, Ric Flair, and more. Click here to read the interview in its entirety.


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