Thursday, April 24, 2008
TNA has launched a brand new worldwide marketing campaign called "Cross the Line" in an attempt to gain more viewership.Technically, this is not TNA's first marketing campaign targeting new fans. It's basically just a new name with a few new twists.
The term "Cross the Line" has multiple meanings.
The first meaning is actually a speculation. There has been word that TNA will shift their focus towards creating a wrestling product that is a bit more realistic.So, basically, the phrase means that TNA will now be crossing the line towards reality.
The second meaning of the phrase is actually meant towards the fans. TNA is encouraging WWE fans to cross the line and become TNA fans.
Wrestling experts are fully aware that WWE has been losing their fanbase over the last few years.The declining ratings and the drop off on the website traffic proves it.Live events are still doing well, though. Of course, fans are always going to make more of an effort to attend a live show than to turn on the television. It's more of a special event.Several reasons as to why WWE has been losing fans.
Some claim that they stopped watching because of the push that John Cena has been getting, while others simply haven't connected with the new fans like they did with guys like The Rock and Steve Austin.
The best thing for TNA to do right now is to target those fans by offering them an alternative.Granted, there's absolutely no chance of TNA converting every single disgruntled WWE fan. They just need to grab a small percentage to increase their own fanbase.
If TNA truly wanted to promote themselves as an alternative to WWE, they're going to have to go back to their roots.
One of the things that WWE gets criticized on is the fact that they only focus on the main event guys.Well, in recent months, TNA has started to fall into the same trap as well.To be an alternative, they're going to have to start focusing on the women's division, the X division, and the tag team division again.
TNA isn't going to be beating WWE any time soon, but that doesn't mean that they can't be a successful company on their own.
Labels: Industry News